It is time for an update!

The last few weeks have kept us very busy. In our last blog we mentioned the survey that was being conducted to get a better and more accurate understanding of the drought situation that the Mwandi farmers are facing. That survey was completed and we have used the results as the basis for much of the now, completed and submitted proposal.

373 families were surveyed in various parts of the District of Mwandi. Let us share with you just a few of the results of the survey

  • 87% of the surveyed households are using 3 or more coping strategies to deal with the shortage of food. Households are eating cheaper or different foods, are reducing the portion sizes for everyone in the family and adults are eating less meals per day to provide more food for their children.
  • Dairy products and pulses (beans, lentils, peas, etc.), both important ingredients for a healthy diet, are severely lacking in the daily food intake.
  • 30% of the people are eating 1 or less meals/day.
  • On a 4-point scale ranging from 1 to 4 (food secure to severely insecure), 41% of the people are moderately insecure and 17% are severely insecure!
  • 43% of the households have 1 or more orphans living with them.
  • The April harvest is expected to be less than 10%, with 73% of the people expecting their harvest to last them for less than one month. These farmers normally depend on their harvest, not only for food to feed their families throughout the year, but also for selling a portion of it to purchase other household necessities.

It is not a good situation and is certainly one which requires immediate action.

The funding available from World Renew is not sufficient to respond to all of the needs. Together with the team here, we have had to make some difficult decisions to establish priorities. The proposal is to:

  • Provide food to 2,000 families for a period of 5 months
  • Limit the intervention to 10 communities
  • Give each family, on a monthly basis, 50 kg of maize meal, 10 kg of beans, 2.5 litres of oil and 500 g of salt.

This will give food assistance to approximately 58% of the people living in these communities. Some painful choices need to be made as almost all members of these communities are truly vulnerable.

The Warehouse

 As we wait for word on the project’s approval, and of course the funding that will go along with that, we continue to make preparations for the project’s implementation. There will be many challenges, but challenges in project start-ups are the norm. We are gearing up to hire staff, to issue tenders for the food commodities and transportation of the food from our warehouse to each of the 10 communities. A distribution schedule must be decided on based on how much food is to go to each community.

One very important task is to organize and train the Community Advisory Committees who will do the critical beneficiary selection, take a lead role in the actual distributions, communicate the complaints mechanism and start up the planning of the “Food with Work Expectation” (there is an expectation that beneficiaries should and will participate in community work projects).

Pounding Maize

 This week, Carl and Edith Vander Boom are arriving. Carl and Edith will be replacing us as IRMs to provide the necessary oversight in the implementation of this project. We will have 2 weeks of turn-over with them and then on April 17 we leave Mwandi to start our journey back to Canada.

Once again, we are always overwhelmed by the amount of support and encouragement we receive during these assignments. We are very thankful for your ongoing prayers and well wishes.


15 Responses to Mwandi Update

  1. Lea says:

    Thank you for the update. Keeping the communities, agencies, systems, and your team in our prayers.

  2. Christine Nickerson says:

    Thanks Harry and Annie. Praying for wisdom for you and the local leaders, and for Carl and Edith, for those difficult decisions.

  3. Jack and Alice DeGoeij says:

    Good to hear from you again. The rain we had here this weekend would have helped you there more than was needed here.
    Thank you both for all you do there to help. Our prayers for your safety are continuing.

  4. George Bergshoeff says:

    Good to hear from you, and praying for you and the people of Mwandi.
    Looking forward to your safe return to Canada.
    Brother George

  5. June & Gene Gravel says:

    Hi, Harry and Annie! Sorry to hear that the the drought continues and that you are forced into rationing the limited supply of food available lto the Mwandi people. Our best wishes for your safe return. Please let us know when you are safely back home so we can meet for our usual coffee.

  6. Siromi says:

    Hi Annie, good to read your Blog after a while and get news of the good work both of you are doing. Good pctures. We look forward to seeing back at quilting.

  7. Bethany says:

    Praying for you especially with those difficult decisions!

  8. Greta Eelkema says:

    Thanks for the update Annie. Beneficiary Selection decisions are so very difficult. Praying they will be fairly made by the committees and accepted well in the communities.

  9. Moira Oosterhuis says:

    Thanks for the update. Praying for wisdom and strength for the difficult tasks ahead.

  10. Margaret says:

    I was in tears as I ead your blog, aware of my cupboard filled with things to eat, more than I need, wishing I coukd just send it all your way. We are SO blessed in Canada, and then we complain because gas has gone up by four cents a litre. God, forgive us! May God continue to give you wisdom as you wait for word from CFGB and as you hand over to the VanderBooms. Thank you for sharing that beautiful sunset. God is still in control even though we don’t always understand why so many people are hungry while others have more than they need.
    Looking forward to your return.

  11. Gord says:

    Bless you two and thank you for this update- we of course continue to hold all up in prayer- with our love, Gord & Doreen

  12. Roelie and Dirk DeKleine says:

    So glad to hear from you. I was getting worried. Sounds as if you have made some progress. Prayers for a worthwhile 2 more weeks and then safe return before your birthday. Love from us and all the DeVries’s, I’m sure.

  13. Ann and Jim McInall says:

    Hi Annie and Harry
    It was good to hear from you again. We have no need to complain about anything when we hear what’s happening there. We have so much.
    Carl and Edith should be there by now. They were at church on Sunday and were leaving that night.
    We will continue to pray for all of you.
    May God Bless you all.
    Love Jim and Ann

  14. Loise says:

    Thank you for your diligent work in spite of the challenges. May God encourage as you reflect on the progress so far. Sending prayers for a good last couple of weeks and safe travels home!

    Annie: Who needs a gym when you can pound maize -:)

  15. Andrew Dubbeldam says:

    Always good to read your updates. It makes you realize how blessed we are. Thank you for the work you are doing there and the difficult decisions you have to make. May the Lord keep you in his hands. You are always in our prayers.

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