Once again, we are leaving Canada – this time to go to Nepal for five weeks to help with the earthquake relief. As in the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan response in 2013, we are going as International Relief Managers (IRMs) with World Renew to help implement their initial disaster response and longer term recovery plans.

Our flight leaves on Thursday, May 7. We have shared this news with our family and some friends but the element of surprise is gone. “We figured you might.” “We wondered if World Renew would go there and if you would be part of that.” We think we were the only ones surprised as we just got back from Liberia a few weeks ago. God put the burden of these people in Nepal on our hearts and the commitment to go despite some serious competition from our lovely, promising perennial gardens and the perfect spring weather here at home. And then there are the beautiful grandchildren…..

Please pray for the families of the more than 7,500 people (found so far) who have died and the more than 14,000 injured. They are grieving the loss of family members and many of their homes and belongings have been destroyed. They are in desperate need of water, food, shelter and health care.

Please pray for us. We cannot do this without your prayer support and God’s power. We specifically ask for prayer for our emotional and physical safety as well as wisdom in the planning and implementation. Pray that God will lead the World Renew team to the appropriate communities to support and to guide us in working with them to ensure that they receive the most needed immediate relief and the optimal long term measures to sustain them.

For more detailed information, please click on this link: Called to Nepal: Three IRMs Join Earthquake Response

15 Responses to Nepal

  1. Great work! Great move! May the Lord Jesus Christ grant you wisdom, strength and, direction. Your footprints in Liberia are still a blessing to us. Safe journey to Nepal!! God bless you!

  2. Klaas & Foekje says:

    This message is unbelievable. A new difficult mission. Your selfless dedication as volunteers is indefatigable. We wish you success with the help of our Lord.

  3. Jane Lowe says:

    We are praying for both of you and the people of Napal. May you fell His presence in all you do. Love Bob and Jane

  4. Sue Faber says:

    The God of angel armies is on your side! We are praying for you both – for strength, stamina, wisdom, courage and emotional and physical wellness as you face this crisis. God equips those that He calls and He will be one step ahead of both of you – from the moment you step on the plane and every step along the way. He has called you to step into the water, into the unknown and to keep your face on Him and trust in His leading. How exciting, availing yourself to His Kingdom purposes. We love you both!

  5. Roelie says:

    Although I had misgivings about your leaving again so soon after Liberia, I turn these into daily prayers for your well-being and courage to tackle the great needs in this devastated country. God be near you every moment. Love, Roelie

  6. Margaret Bootsma says:

    May God’s loving arms and strong hands hold you up as once again you face a challenge of humongous proportions. He has blessed you with many gifts, and we are trusting that He will also guard your hearts and minds as you see the devastation in Nepal. We pray for you and the Nepalese people in this difficult time.
    Jim and Margaret

  7. Harry and Sharon says:

    Know that we will pray for you! What an honour to do this! Strength as you move in God’s power. He will equip you!

  8. Patricia kamara says:

    Harry and Annie, may the Lord Almighty guide you and protect you, as well as give you the grace to work for the people of Napal. We will continue to pray for them.
    We still remember you good work in Liberia.
    Stay bless.

  9. Arlene Stegeman says:

    Hi dear sister and brother-in-law,
    I can’t believe you are off again. I am sure your experience in the Philippines has made you strong candidates for this volunteer position. Wishing you all the best and thinking of you. Take care!

  10. donna says:

    sending you off with much love and prayers, anxiously awaiting news of your safe arrival, and updates on your work!

  11. Thinking of both of you.

  12. donna says:

    Dearest Harry and Annie,
    we are holding a fund raiser at our place May 31, it is to support 2 friends of ours going on the “Sea2Sea” bike ride. World Renew is one of the 3 causes supported by these events.
    It would be so awesome, if we could have a short video of you, from Nepal, to explain the work you are doing there. You can check out our event via Facebook: “Sea2Sea Amazing Scavenger Race”, it explains the event, and a little about the causes we are supporting (i put your picture and latest article from World Renew on there also) . Looking forward to hearing word on your safe arrival, and your first report. much love xoxo donna

  13. pindulukani phiri says:

    Harry and Annie, you inspire me because of the good heart you have for others despite risk situations and of course your age plus sickness Annie had. May God continue blessing you as you serve the needy families in Nepal..this is a big encouragement to me and i will emulate it here in my community.

  14. Ken and Joan says:

    Harry and Annie; our thoughts and prayers are with you during this trying journey with your help over in Nepal. GOD bless you both as you try to help in such an unfortunate situation.

  15. Ron says:

    Good morning (good afternoon for you) Bergshoeffs. I was doing my devotions and praying for you both and all the workers and people your are working with in Nepal. Just wanted to encourage you in your work and service. May you feel God’s strength, peace, courage and presence in the people you interact with, the work you do and the silence of life when you are deep in thought and reflection. May God bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine up on you and give you His peace. Know you are thought of and prayed for regularly on this side of the world.

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