After 26 hours of travel, we gratefully “crashed” in our guesthouse in Kenya. It is amazing what a good sleep can accomplish! We are ready to work!

Our home for the next few days is the Mennonite Guest House in Nairobi, Kenya. We discovered this little oasis when we were in Kenya last year.  It has a large, grassy garden with some beautiful huge, old trees and smaller blooming shrubs.  The birds make beautiful music but don’t seem to know that they are supposed to sleep when it gets dark. Although we each took along a light jacket, we did not realize that warmer clothing would have come in handy!  There actually is winter in Africa! We should have listened! It is quite cool here and we find ourselves working on the balcony where it is a bit warmer than in our room. We are already missing hot showers!

We do appreciate the chance to experience some recovery time from jet lag as well as the opportunity to have several meetings with the Kenya staff for further input and insights on the Zambia project.

On Monday, we fly to Lilongwe, Malawi to connect with and learn more about the project from Peter Timmerman.  Peter is the Team Leader for the Southern Africa Ministry Team.  From there, we will be driven to Chipata, Zambia, our new home for six weeks.  There we will meet the implementing partner of the project who we will be working with during our time there.

We look forward to sharing our initial insights and experiences with you once we have had a chance to establish ourselves in Chipata!

7 Responses to Orientation

  1. Lori steiginga says:

    Glads that you’re there safe and sound and thanks for the update. maybe you should take up jogging to keep warm!

  2. James says:

    Glad to hear that things are going well! We’ll keep holding you up in our prayers! Hope you back is treating you well!

  3. Lauris and Ron Fuller says:

    So glad you have some recovery time at the MCC guesthouse. It really is a wonderful oasis!
    If you meet Nancy Hinga or Richard Tseka at the Lilongwe office, please give them love and highest regards from Ron and I. We have not yet had the privilege of meeting Peter. All the best.

  4. Ada kloet says:

    Blessings and prayers for you both as you work on this new project.. May God bless you and protect you as you do His work… miss you already but your happiness and love needs to be seen by these folks too.

  5. Margaret says:

    Good to know you arrived safely. Wish I could pack up a warm coat and send it to you, but I think perhaps Malawi may be warmer, as it is at a different elevation, no?
    We are praying for your safety and that the orientation will help you with your project.

  6. Gail says:

    I didn’t realize you were going back to Kenya. I’m happy to hear you are back and arrived safe and sound.
    I think of you both all the time. When the lupins were in bloom they so reminded me of your visit here.
    I love you and miss you and continue to keep you in my prayers and close at heart

  7. Lynda CRAWFORD says:

    So happy you had a great flight and are on the move now. Wishing you all the best in your new adventure. Be safe

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