You’ve probably seen one or more of the animated movies!

Located off the southeast coast of Africa, Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world.  It has been the inspiration for many documentaries and films over the years and is arguably one of the most unique and interesting locations on Earth.  Madagascar is perhaps best-known for its lemurs — and for its massive baobab trees. The island is also home to the Tuléar reef, the world’s third-largest coral reef system, making Madagascar one of the top scuba diving destinations in Africa.  A few more interesting facts about the island, its people, and its culture…..

  • Most of Madagascar’s wildlife is not found anywhere else on earth
  • Madagascar was settled by Asians before mainland Africans
  • Lemurs are sacred in Madagascar
  • Before French colonial rule, Madagascar was ruled by a woman – Queen Ranavalona III, the last sovereign of the Kingdom of Madagascar, who ruled from 1883 to 1897, before being deposed by French colonial forces.

But there’s so much more to the story….

Madagascar is a low-income country with an estimated population of 26 million. The country is ranked 164 out of 189 on the Human Development Index. Almost 70 percent of the population lives on less than $1.90 US per day. Five million people are affected by recurring natural disasters, including cyclones, floods, and droughts. The rate of chronic malnutrition is 42 percent, placing it as the 10th worst country affected by stunting in the world.

Although World Renew has been active in the southern part of Madagascar since 2015, most recently, three consecutive years of severe drought in the Grand Sud of Madagascar have led to the country’s worst food crisis in the last 20 years, exacerbating the vulnerabilities of already poor populations.

The situation has been further compounded by the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, causing market supply disruptions, rising commodity prices (rice, maize, vegetables, pesticides, fertilizers and fuel), and a general decline in income and employment opportunities. Armyworm attacks have also been reported in the Grand Sud on most crops of the previous agricultural season, resulting in significant losses for households.

World Renew’s current project, started in August of this year, targets 2,000 of the most vulnerable families in the very southern Ambovombe area, providing them every month with 50 kg of rice as well as the equivalent of about $30 Canadian for the purchase food items in the local markets.  In addition, families are being provided with 5 kg of cowpea seeds and 5 kg of sweet potato cuttings to provide vegetable production support so they will hopefully quickly be able to grow their own food.  

On November 9 we will be travelling to Madagascar for a 6 week assignment.  We are excited about this opportunity!  This is our first on field assignment since having to leave Bangladesh in March 2020 at the onset of the global COVID pandemic. 

Our first few days will be spent with World Renew’s partner in the Capital, Antananarivo, and then we will fly to Taolagnaro in the south and travel by land to the Ambovombe area where we will spend the duration of our assignment.  Although we will be assisting the partner as they continue to implement the project, the bulk of our time will be spent in collecting, analyzing, and compiling the data that is necessary to prepare a comprehensive mid-term report on this project.  Your generous donations continue to make these projects possible! 

We understand that internet access may be intermittent in the area where we will be living, so we are unsure about our ability to provide updated postings to this blog. 

As with any assignment, we embark on this one with both anticipation and concern for how things will unfold.  But we also do so with a strong conviction that God has called us to serve in this manner and will supply all our needs.

As always, we solicit and appreciate your prayer support.

32 Responses to Madagascar!

  1. Ada says:

    Praying God’s blessings be with you on this journey

  2. Bethany says:

    Oh man, I’m not going to see you before you head out. But I’ll be praying for your travels and for your work, and look forward to catching up with you when you’re back!

  3. Margaret says:

    Thanking God that He is calling you to this desperate situation of dealing with three years of natural and political disasters, knowing He has gifted you with knowledge and skills so needed here. Also praying for your safety and well-being as you face unknowns and poor communication abilities while in Madagascar. Go in God’s grace and with His strength.

  4. Dave says:

    Thank you for the work you do, Harrie and Annie! Praying that God will watch over you and bless you richly, along with the project and the people of Madagascar. Safe travels! Looking forward to hearing more.

  5. Winny says:

    What an amazing opportunity for both of you to be the Lord’s hands and feet, will pray for opportunities to share your faith wherever you go! Looking forward to hearing your stories when you are back.

  6. Irene says:

    Stay safe and well! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    This is absolutely amazing what you are doing!! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back.

  7. Nancy says:

    Safe travels, best of luck, and love to see you when you get back!!

  8. Peter says:

    Praying for health, safety and fruitfulness!

  9. Jack and Jane says:

    God’s blessings to you both as your embark on this journey. We’ll be keeping you in our prayers.

  10. Darlene says:

    Praying for you
    Praying for safe travels
    Praying for God’s work in Madagascar

  11. Arlene says:

    We’ll be thinking of you and following your journey if internet allows. Take care.

  12. Mary Jagt says:

    Thank you for the blog post as you leave soon for Madagascar. Not many people know anything about that island but you have helped us picture the nature and the people there who need the skills that you both will bring to help bring needed nutrition and knowledge. I will be praying as you prepare, travel and spend weeks in Madagascar. May our great big God be close to you and keep you healthy and safe.

  13. Oscar and Lilian says:

    Harry and Annie , your service to humanity will be rewarded especially when you work tirelessly in the face of danger and in communities where uncertainty is inevitably present . I and Lilian always remember you in our prayers for protection and good health, remain blessed.

  14. Jan en Inka van der Stoep says:

    Wij wensen jullie een goede veilige reis en verblijf in Madagascar

  15. Lea says:

    The Lord be with you, Harry and Annie! We’re cheering you on!

  16. George S says:

    Safe travels. Sounds like a country that could do more tourism to help its success.

  17. Julius Kalu says:

    Praying with you as you give your service, and the people of Madagascar that God may bring rain to the country.

  18. Ted says:

    Thanks for sharing.God be with you.
    I,ll be praying for your safety,health,and blessing on your ministry.

  19. Roelie DeKleine says:

    Praying for your safety and health in those 6 weeks away, and will miss you! Go make a positive difference in the troubles there. With my blessing, Roelie

  20. Joan says:

    Looking forward to your email.
    Amazing oppotortupniy you both!
    We know God is always beside you!

  21. Al Durk says:

    Harry and Annie,
    Will be praying for your mission trip to Madagascar and for your safe travels!
    Looking forward to hearing all about it at our Thursday morning group on your return.
    God bless you both and may He keep you in His grip!

  22. Debbie Koop says:

    Dear Harry and Annie,
    We are praying with you as you go. We look forward to hearing all your God-stories upon your return. The LORD bless you and keep you as you serve Him with World Relief in Madagascar. (Hope you get some good pics of lemurs! 🙂 )
    Love and hugs,
    Debbie and Abe Psalm 103!

  23. Wilma says:

    You two are truly amazing! Look at that long list of places you have travelled to help and serve God’s most unfortunate peoples. Praying for safety and health and strength for you these weeks. May God bring you safely back to us soon. Xo

  24. Henry and Pam says:

    Thanks so much for your blog post – it was interesting to read about the history, beauty, and yet, the continuing devastation that affects Madagascar. We pray God bless you and keep you in His care as you work in Madagascar. We pray His blessings on your partner, the project and all those you serve, as well.
    Wishing you travelling mercies.

  25. Dia and Gerry says:

    You heard God’s call and off you go to distant Madagascar. We pray that you feel God’s nearness in all circumstances. May He grant you strength, health, wisdom, patience . Let your light shine brightly for the people you meet. In Christian love, Dia and Gerry

  26. Keith says:

    God’s indispensable blessings, provision and protection on your mission trip!

  27. Loise says:

    Your commitment and excellence is inspiring. I pray that God watches over you and provides you with the strength you need to serve him in Madagascar.

    Enjoy meeting the Lemurs as well -:)

  28. Elaine and Bern says:

    Harry and Annie; Godspeed to you both as you embark on such a meaningful venture. Your experience, faith and kindness will certainly help make your project a success and help the people at such a difficult time. Our hearts go with you.

  29. Jim and Ann McInall says:

    Annie and Harry
    You have been all over serving the hungry and more. You guys are amazing.May God keep you healthy and provide all your needs. We love you and will be praying .

  30. Gail Gladney says:

    God is great and he is using you and Annie everyday. Be safe and I know you will make a huge difference. God will watch over and provide your needs. Much love and blessings. I love you both.

  31. Moira and Steve says:

    God’s blessings as you do this important work! We look forward to hearing more about it when you are on the ground!

  32. Connie says:

    Keeping you in our prayers. May God bless you and the work that you are doing.

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